Tuesday 21 July 2015

Post baby - returning to the better me

So it has been some time since I blogged and in that time I have fallen pregnant, grown a baby and given birth to a beautiful little girl. Gaining weight is ok through pregnancy I know and I did not weigh myself during to make sure I didn't obsess  about it but Addi is 2 months old and I'm not starting to get upset I haven't lost any of the 10kg I gained during pregnancy or the 4kg before that. At my fittest I weighed 71.9kg and could run 10km. I am now 85kg and can't run at all so here is my vow to get back to my best  before I go back to work and to kick my own ass trying to get there before the end of 2015... For me, and now for my daughter. 

Monday 19 November 2012

New before and after shot.... 30kg down

Today i went through my wardrobe trowing away some old clothes and thought it was time for another before and after.

12WBT finale - Sydney

Last weekend my sister and I flew up to Sydney for the 12wbt final workout party. We had a great time and were fortunate enough to meet the amazing and beautiful Michelle Bridges who has helped so many people get fitter and slimmer including myself.

Having a great time at the final workout, Queens Park Randwick
My sister and I at the finale party, Royal Industry Hall Moore Park
So lucky to get a photo with Michelle

Next rounds workout and party is in Brisbane and this round my sister is on the journey so we will be there again 12 weeks from now. Good luck sister!!!

Friday 13 July 2012

A picture tells a thousand words

It's been a couple of years on my weight loss journey and today i thought to see how far I have come rather than how far away I am. I am only 6.8kg from my healthy BMI and 8.8kg from my goal weight of 69kg. But a picture tells a thousand words... what do you think? This was from a few weeks ago so I have lost a couple more kilos since.

Run Melbourne

Tomorrow my sister and I will be taking part in the Run Melbourne 5km run.

I have been raising money for the RSPCA Victoria and have so far raised $261. I am so scared as I am not really a runner, but I have been training well and my PT has set me the target of doing it in under 36min so keep you fingers crossed for me.

xoxo Stef

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Mini-milestone week

Week 4 is mini-milestone week in the 12WBT. A 400g loss in todays weigh-in has taken me to 3kg total to date and I am feeling great. The main thing Mish is trying to get to us in mini milestones is to focus on the non weight related wins. Like redoing the fitness tests and measurements. I will do my fitness test this weekend but every Wednesday I run 5km on the treadmill to try and beat my time from the week before so I know my fitness is improving. Today i did 5km in 35min and 36 sec shaving 6 seconds off last weeks time. 
I have lost cm also and my clothes are starting to get lose on me which is fantastic. I can not wait till I drop a dress size from a 14 to a 12, but that is still a little way off.
The other great thing that has happened this week is I think I am finally starting to inspire my hubby to get fit, lose weight and exercise.  It's been 3 years but better late than never. He is starting to watch his portions eat better and run on the treadmill. 
Working full time I always struggle with taking the easy way out and getting take away on the way home but these last few weeks I have completely stayed away from take out, cooking quick easy meals is not that difficult and I'll just stop at the butcher and supermarket on the way home. As long as you write a list and stick to it you are in and out in no time. 
I know the time will come soon that I will have take out so here is where we make our choices.

2 Vietnamese Rice paper rolls for approx 300cals for 2


McDonald's Chicken Caesar Wrap for 493cals


What will you choose??

330 cals for a traditional chicken souvlaki from Souvlaki Hut


459 cals for 1 KFC chicken breast original recipe.

Really is food for thought.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Goodbye week 2, Hello week 3

It's weigh in day and I am 700g lighter than last week. Although it was under my personal target set of 1kg I am still happy with the loss. This week I did 6 days of training burning at least 400cal per session and ate pretty much to the plan and always within my 1200cal.

I often find myself struggling with my inner fat chick as I like to say. I eat when i'm bored, emotional or hungry... that is basically every minute I'm not sleeping. Not anymore. I still snake but I track. Make sure not to lose focus. This is all a mind game with yourself. Keep it top of mind and your priority list and we are bound to succeed. Here's to this week being another good one. I have a trip to Port Douglas booked in late August which is only 10 weeks away so lets focus.

xoxo Stef